
Accident in Mannheim: Car and tram collide – Baden-Württemberg

Traffic accident

A car and a tram collide in Mannheim. While the tram can continue driving, the car is left behind with severe damage.

Accident in Mannheim: Car and tram collide Photo: Andreas Arnold/dpa

Source: German Press Agency (dpa).
The BZ editorial team has not edited this report.

Mannheim (dpa/lsw) – A car and a tram collided near the main train station in Mannheim this evening. It is currently unclear why the accident occurred. No one was injured in the crash. The 19-year-old driver's car was towed away, police said. The tram was able to continue its journey independently. Police estimate the material damage at around 65,000 euros.

© dpa‍-infocom, dpa:240908‍-930‍-226901/1

Department: Baden-Württemberg

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